Comments on: Water regulator neglects Welsh customers, says report Multimedia Journalist in Berlin Wed, 15 Mar 2017 16:35:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: your opinions 101 Mon, 09 Mar 2009 16:36:18 +0000 Hello, this is Jake Smith. I am new to blogging. I I learned that in order to get tons of FREE traffic to my blogs and to be found by search engines then I’ll have to have a lot of web pages link to my blog. As you can see if you go to my blogs web address at I have already included your blog address in my blog roll. If you can do the same then I will be really appreciated. If I don’t hear back from you or if I do not see my blog address in your blog roll within a week of this comment, I’ll have no alternative to remove your blog address from my blog roll and add someone else’s. Thank you for your understand. I hope I can see my blog address in your blog roll real soon so we can share the FREE web traffic together. Once again the web address is .
